Snack Business is growing in the African Market, in recent years many investments are happening in all parts of the African continent. Corn, Plantain, Cassava, Yam, Taro, Potato. Potato Chips and Extruded Corn Snacks dominate the market both in the West and East region of the continent. Pellet chips Snack Business is also having lots of potential in the market, multigrain pellet chips in various shapes makes tasty and delightful snacks.

Most popular snacks are Extruded Corn snacks, which are baked or fried. Baked Snack and fried snacks which are packed mostly in the BOPP packaging material with Automatic Packaging Machine, normally we did not see nitrogen air flushing in the pouch, but we recommend to have nitrogen which will increase the shelf life and use of better quality packaging material laminates.

Plantain and cassava chips processor factories have increased in the recent time and lots of companies are establishing mainly in the east African regions.

complete snack processing and packaging machinery designed and manufactured as per their requirement. Grace Food Processing & Packaging Machinery doing tremendous work in providing value addition of the raw material available in plenty in the region.